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Dorothy on "Afternoons with Mike"


Freedom Academy with Dorothy got some press in the Orlando area when I had the opportunity (just before Christmas) to sit down with former pastor Mike Gilland and chat about politics and contemporary society. His show airs over "The Shepherd Radio Network", a division of Marc Radio Group - and then is translated into a podcast.

From the site:

"Our guiding purpose behind all of our interviews and commentary is to bring glory to God and encouragement to our listeners as we embrace our daily lives as believers, discussing and interpreting local and national events through the lens of a Biblical Worldview."

I originally started Freedom Academy with the hope of just providing temporal truth so the arguments made did not need to be associated with a Christian or Biblical worldview - arguments that could be made by anyone, regardless of their spiritual or faith persuasion (or lack thereof). However, I justified this by my understanding that all "truth" points to "Truth" and participants and subscribers would ultimately see this (to me) undeniable connection. As we have seen society reject not just "Truth" but also "truth", this disassociation has become more difficult. Those who know me know I live by two sets of principles - my faith principles and my freedom principles - and they have yet to be in conflict with one another as they cannot be because to me they are one and the same - but as the standard of absolute measure ("truth") is disappearing from society at an alarming rate, I feel that I need to (instead of avoiding the association with a Biblical worldview) firmly establish and emphasize that the lens through which these principles are interpreted - and upon which they are founded - is that of Truth. The Truth discoverable in Nature and Nature's laws, the absolute Truth by which all other truths are measured, and the Truth declared to also be the Way and the Life.

I have also been applying my biblical worldview to foreign policy analysis for the last 9 years - without overt reference to Scripture or my faith, which has shaped a somewhat unique interpretation of contemporary global events. I hope to discuss more of such internationally driven "freedom principles" in the coming year (2022) here on the site, in our webinars, and in other venues.

With that dubious introduction, I invite you to

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